Balviten’s gluten-free Keto bread

glutenfreies, saftiges Keto Brot von Balviten

The eternal search for a tasty bread that isn’t dry or crumbly never seems to end. At least it seems like it, once you dive into the world of gluten-free foods. Luckily, it might just be that the brand “Balviten” has put a bread on the marekt that ends this everlasting search: the gluten-free keto bread with flax seeds.

Firm bread in bio quality but gluten-free

The organic (bio) glutenn-free bread is full of seeds and has a firm consistency. It is crunchy, firm to the bite, and has a non-crumbly consistency. At the same time it has immense juiciness, is fine pored and filling. And it lasts. After having the bread for breakfast, I was not hungry for a while. A fact that rarely happens when it comes to gluten-free bread.

Gluten-free bread, full of seeds

This is mainly due to the many different seeds that are included: Flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, quinoa and cumin, which also leaves a slight aftertaste. But even as a person who doesn’t really like cumin, I can confirm that I find Balviten’s bread incredibly delicious!

Partner Compatibility: very high!

Even people who do not have to live gluten-free who tried this bread would never have recognized it as obviously gluten-free. A real step forward in the market of gluten-free breads!

Balviten is a Polish company and also produces in Poland.

Have you already tried the gluten-free ciabatta rolls form Rewe supermarkets?

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