The gluten-free roll from Rewe has a crispy, crunchy crust. The inside of the bun is fluffy from white flour.
Gluten-free Ciabatta roll from Rewe “frei von”

Living with Celiac Disease
The gluten-free roll from Rewe has a crispy, crunchy crust. The inside of the bun is fluffy from white flour.
At Suzette, you can also get original Breton galette here. Galette is a savory version of the classic crêpe. Made from buckwheat, galette is gluten-free.
Symptoms include malaise, fatigue, feeling bloated, weight loss. The diagnosis of celiac disease is sometimes very difficult.
The gluten-free ice cream was creamy, nutty, tasting intensely of pistachio.
During a trip to Sicily, I discovered the gluten-free Oreos from NUTRIFREE. The vanilla cream is very close to that of the original cookies.