Gluten-free Stroopwafels from the Netherlands

Glutenfreie Stroopwafels von der niederländischen Supermarktkette Albernheijn

Recently, on a trip to the Netherlands, I discovered that the Albert Heijn supermarket chain offers my beloved Stroopwafels in their own gluten-free variety.

The traditional cookie is associated with many personal memories of my college days and the friends I made back then. Because of this, I think I actually jumped with joy when I discovered the celiac-friendly version of Stroopwafels. 

The gluten-free (glutenfrij) Stroopwafels from Albert Heijn have a perfectly crispy texture, are filled with chewy caramel and reveal a slight hint of cinnamon.

No one would know that this is a gluten-free product. The cookies are perfect for celiacs, gluten-sensitive people, and others. All of whom have been missing that sweet treat since becoming gluten-free. Like me, a gluten-free living friend teared up when she tasted the wafels. 

The gluten-free Stroopwafels get a 10 out of 10!

For a review of gluten-free Oreos, click here.

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